Mama Biashara works with the poorest and most marginalised people in Kenya. We give grants to set up small, sustainable businesses that bring financial independence and security. We offer training and employment in everything from phone repairs to manicures. We have built a children’s home, which we still support. We’ve created water-harvesting solutions for drought-devastated areas. And we are starting to use the Mama B method to help those fleeing FGM, forced marriage, sex slavery and child rape.

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The bad news is that Mama B wants your money

The good news is that we will do more with it than you could ever imagine was possible.

That five quid you spend on a large glass of House White? I can save someone’s life with that. And the money for a pair of Air Jordans? Will take four women and their fifteen children away from a man who is raping them and into a new life with a moneymaking business for Mum and happiness for the kids. Let us not consider the comparative possibilities concerning a Burberry handbag.

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Community Education
Community Education

Alongside poverty, one of the biggest killers in Kenya is ignorance. We help with information on health (everything from the dangers of cooking without ventilation to our campaign on cholera prevention), nutrition, legal and constitutional rights and our Red Zone dolls are used with victims of sexua...

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Since 2008 Mama Biashara has been setting the poorest and most marginalised of women up in small, sustainable businesses across Kenya. This means a woman who has been forced into commercial sex work can leave the streets and make a new, independant life with her children, a woman who is being beaten...

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  • W12 Shopping Centre
  • Shepherds Bush Green
  • London W12 8PP
  • TEL: 07803 507269
Mama Biashara
image Mama Biashara just now

Welcome to Mama Biashara

Mama Biashara is a PWA ready Mobile UI Kit Template. Great way to start your mobile websites and pwa projects.